Agricultural Business And Management Technology / Agribusiness
Northwest Mississippi Community College is proud to offer Agribusiness Technology at our Senatobia campus. The program is designed for students desiring to enter the broad range of jobs related to the management of agricultural enterprises and the marketing and sales of agricultural supplies and products.
Location: Senatobia campus only
How do I get into the Agribusiness Technology program?
Have a NWCC Admissions Application on file with the Admissions office
Complete an Application to the Agribusiness Technology/Animal Science Program.
Have a high school diploma or GED/HISET equivalency on file with the admissions office
Have official ACT scores on file with the admissions office
Confirm with the admissions office that high school transcript or GED/HISET transcript and all previous college course transcripts have been received in the admissions office.
Pay any outstanding balances to Northwest MS Community College or any other college.
Contact Instructor- Shelli Benton Phone:662.562.3430 Email:
Admissions to the college does not guarantee admissions to the program of study.