Your canvas login is your student ID. Example – 123456
Your canvas password is the same as your myNWCC password and your webmail password.
NEW STUDENTS: If you have not changed your PIN# in myNWCC please go there now by clicking here. You cannot log in to canvas until you have done this. Allow 15 minutes for password changes to become effective.
Please email the Tech Help Desk at for assistance with your pin or call the Tech Help Desk at (662) 562-3934.
To obtain your pin you must know your student ID number and other identifying information.
To access canvas click here or click on the canvas link in the student menu at the top right of the page.
TIP: You can access canvas directly by going to this web address: (Note: Make this a favorite/bookmark it to save time!)
If you need help with Canvas please search the help guides found here:
If you need help with your course content please contact your instructor. You can contact the instructor 3 ways;
- Click the Help button on the bottom left navigation pane inside Canvas, then click on “Ask Your Instructor a Question”. This will give you the option to email any instructor from any course. Just select the course in the drop-down menu for which instructor you would like to send a message. In the message box, type your message and then click the Send Message button.
- Use your instructor’s contact information on the home page of your online course. This contact information will be a phone number and office hours in which they can be reached in person as well as their Northwest email address.
- Click the Inbox button on inside Canvas on the left navigation pane, Click the “Compose a New Message” Button on the top right. Select the course for which instructor you would like to send a message. Click the button, then click on “Teachers” in the drop-down box. Type your subject in the subject line, then your message in the message box. (*NOTE- Put a check in the “send individual messages” box if you are sending a message to more than one instructor. If you do not, this will be sent like a group text message and all people in the group will see each and every response sent in the group.) When finished, click the Send button.
- If you need to talk to someone in the eLearning Office please call (662) 560-5230 or (662) 560-5231. The eLearning Office is open from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday – Friday.
- If you are having computer problems you can call the Northwest Tech Help Desk at (662) 562-3934.
- If you are still stuck, contact Canvas. You can contact them as follows:
By phone
You can reach them by phone at any time. If you happen to dial them while everyone is on the phone with someone else; you can leave a voicemail and they will get right back to you. Call: 855.308.2755 (Yes, it’s toll-free!)
By chat
You can live chat with them at any time. They might be a little slower to pick these up than phone calls (still, <2 minutes).
- Click the “Help” button in the bottom left hand corner of the Canvas Navigation Pane.
- Choose “Chat With Canvas Support” from the menu that appears
- Click the “Find someone to chat with” button on the page to which you’re directed
- Presto!
By webform ← BEST METHOD
You can submit webform tickets at any time. They will provide a first response to these within an hour. This is the best way to file a ticket with Canvas because Canvas grabs a bunch of relevant error and browser information and automatically folds it into the ticket, meaning they don’t have to bother you for this info later. That’s good for everybody.
To file a webform ticket:
- Click the “Help” button in the upper right corner of Canvas
- Choose “Report a Problem”
- Fill out the form that appears and click “Submit Ticket”
By email
Webform is better than email, however if you need to file a ticket by email send your message to