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Professional Development


DeSoto Center Faculty Symposium

Alternative Instructional Formats: A Roundtable Discussion on Teaching Hybrid and/or Mini-term Courses. - PANELISTS: Mrs. Rebecca Allen (Psychology Instructor), Mr. Phillip Correro (Biology Instructor), Dr. Don Jones (Dean, Lafayette-Yalobusha Technical Center), Mr. John Randall (Business Technology Instructor), Ms. Kristin Watson (Director of Social Science Instruction), and MODERATOR: Mrs. Candis Walker (Director of Student Development Center, DeSoto Center) on November 19, 2019.

ACCOMMODATE: Student and Faculty Rights and Responsibilities under the ADA - Presented by Gerald Beard on October 23, 2019.

Engaging Students to Stay on Course - PANELISTS: Mrs. Rebecca Allen (Psychology Instructor), Mrs. Wendy Davis (Coordinator of Mathematics Instruction, DeSoto Center), Mr. Dan Scherer (Computer Information Systems Instructor), Mrs. Amy Shaw (Coordinator of Languages & Communications Instruction, DeSoto Center), Mr. Rick Stevens (Program Director, Cardiovascular Technology), and MODERATOR: Mrs. Candis Walker (Director of Student Development Center, DeSoto Center) on September 25, 2019.


One Woman's Fight Against the Butcher of Lyon - Presented by Carla Townsend, Mississippi Humanities Council Instructor of the Year, on February 26, 2020.

Clear Touch for Beginners - Led by Kristie Waldrop on October 2, 2019.


DeSoto Center

Faulkner’s Nobel Prize Speech - Led by Mr. Mark Alan Vinson on March 26, 2019.

The Latest Treatment Modalities for Cancer - Led by Dr. K.N. Thimmaiah on February 28, 2019.

A Story of Hope - Led by Jack Cohen on November 27, 2018.

The Problem of Evil - Led by Dr. Gary Pagels on October 30, 2018.


The Case for CAST at Northwest Mississippi Community College - Led by Bonnie Griffis and Christy Ainsworth, L.C.S.W., CAST Coordinator, Children's Advocacy Centers of MS on April 3, 2019.

That's What Memes are Made of: Eliciting Critical Reflection with Bitesize Digital Compositions - Led by Doug Johnson on March 6, 2019. Sponsored by Northwest Mississippi Community College and the Mississippi Humanities Council.

What You May Not Know about the Office of Institutional Advancement AKA Foundation/Alumni Office! - Led by Patti Gordon on November 14, 2018.

Agriculture: Mississippi’s #1 Commodity - Led by Shelli Benton, CTE instructor and Rodeo coach on October 17, 2018.

Spyware, Phishing, and Ransomware - Led by Denise Vannucci on September 5, 2018.


Rangers Write! Revised - Led by Josh Green, Leelee Haraway, Carroll Huebner, Jason Jones, and Sherry Lusk on April 11, 2018.

Project Gateway - Led by Tara Dunn on February 14, 2018.

An Assessment Comparing Community College Students' Computer Self-Efficacy and Task Based Computer Knowledge - Led by Dr. Amy Stewart on September 6, 2017.

Registering for a Xitracs Account - Led by Angie Stuart on August 24, 2017.

Xitracs - Credentials & Courses - Uploading a Syllabus & Course Outline - Led by Angie Stuart on August 24, 2017.

CampusKey Basics - Degree Plans - Led by Angie Stuart on August 4, 2017.

CampusKey Basics - Grades & Absences - Led by Aime Anderson, Registrar on August 4, 2017.


Academic Habits of Mind and QEP Q&A - Led by Leelee Haraway, Jason Jones, and Sherry Lusk on September 7, 2016.

A New Look at SLO's From Our SACSCOC Reviewers' Suggestions - Led by Carolyn Wiley and Angie Stuart on October 19, 2016.

Navigating Students to Success - Led by Karin Randolph on November 9, 2016.

Out of Alignment? - Led by Phyllis Johnson and Stacey Smith on February 1, 2017.

Help! I Need A Counselor - Led by Meg Ross and Jennifer Yarborough on March 1, 2017.

News from the Center: Writing Center Updates, Previews, and Q & A - Led by Jason Jones and Arkasia Allen on April 19, 2017.