CDC - The Centers for Disease Control has health information, statistics, and interactive tools. - Look up information on prescription medication.
Drug Facts - Facts about drug abuse and addiction.
Health - Health topics from A - Z.
Medline Plus - Patient health information from the National Library of Medicine.
Mental Health Information - Information on different mental health issues from the National Institute of Mental Health.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - Talk to a trained professional free of charge when you are in a crisis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. - Information on healthy eating.
Public Health Image Library - Images that can be used by students and educators for presentations and teaching.
Student Counseling and Disability Services - Counseling, testing, and disability services at Northwest.
Teens Health - Provides information about the most important health issues for teens.
WebMD - Health information
World Health Organization - The United Nation's organization devoted to global health concerns.