Adobe Color CC - Get color combinations for your next website.
Code Academy - Free coding lessons.
CS4FN - Computer Science for Fun is an online magazine.
Ethics in Computing - Learn about ethics in computer science.
IEEE Computer Society - Insititute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society
National Center for Women and Technology - Non-profit agency seeking to increase women's participation in technology.
Online Exhibits - From the Computer History Museum, exhibits that show the developments that led to computers and the Internet.
Python for Everybody - Free instruction on the Python programming language. These lessons do not require any prior knowledge of Python and the textbook can be downloaded for free.
TeamViewer - Remote control any computer or MAC over the internet within seconds or use for online meetings. Free for private, noncommercial use.
Ted Talks on Technology - Short videos of inspirational talks on technology. - Tutorials for HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, and JQuery.
Web & Computer Systems - Examples from Wolfram Alpha.