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Title IX

Sexual Harassment

Preventing Sexual Harassment
Northwest Mississippi Community College is committed to creating and maintaining an environment in which all persons who participate in college programs. Every member of the college community should be aware that the College is strongly opposed to sexual harassment and that such behavior is prohibited by law (Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972) and by College policy. Northwest views sexual harassment (as defined in this policy) as serious, and will not tolerate it in any form. It is the intention of the College to take whatever action is needed to prevent, correct, and if necessary, discipline behavior which violates this policy. Prosecution of employees or students for the crimes they commit, whether by state or federal prosecutors, is independent of, and in addition to, the charges or disciplinary proceedings instituted by the College.

What is Sexual Harassment?
Sexual harassment consists of unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical conduct, or other verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature when: 1. Submission to that conduct or communication is made either explicitly or implicitly, a condition of the individual’s education; 2. Submission to, or rejection of, such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for academic decisions affecting the individual’s welfare; 3. Such conduct has the purpose and effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s welfare, academic performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, offensive, or demeaning educational environment.

Reporting Sexual Harassment
The Title IX coordinator and assistant Title IX coordinators are listed below as the Sexual Harassment Contact Persons (hereafter, Contact Person) to receive all reports of sexual harassment regarding students. Students who have a sexual harassment complaint or inquiry should notify the Contact Person immediately. Employees should notify the designated Title IX Coordinator for employees. He/she will maintain all information about applicable laws, College policies and procedures, options available for resolution of complaints, and confidentiality requirements. The Contact Person’s functions include the following: 1. Provide information about sexual harassment and options for addressing it; 2. Inform the complainant regarding applicable College policies and procedures and outline various options, both formal and informal, available for resolving the complaint; 3. Seek an informal resolution if so desired; 4. Maintain records necessary for handling active complaints.

Investigations and Complaint Resolutions

In all investigations and complaint resolutions, the following procedures will be followed:

  1. To the extent possible, the College will keep the complaint and investigation confidential.
  2. College policy and Title IX prohibits retaliation against any individual who files a complaint under Title IX or participates in a complaint investigation.
  3. The College will take all necessary steps to prevent recurrence of any discrimination, including sanctions such as expulsion, suspension, modified suspension, or behavioral restrictions.
  4. The College will take steps necessary to remedy discriminatory effects, such as (but not limited to) class reassignment, residence hall reassignment, and special security precautions.
  5. The timeframe for most investigations is no longer than two working weeks. An additional week may be needed for formal adjudication.
  6. All parties will be notified in writing of the outcome of the investigation and adjudication.

If you are pregnant, Please fill out this Title IX form.

Title IX Training Material

Title IX Final Rule Summary
Title IX Training

Title IX Coordinators

  • Tonyalle Rush, Ed.D 
    • Associate Vice President of Student Services and Enrollment Management
    • (662) 562-3409


Assistant Title IX Coordinators


The Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Policy is located in the Annual Security Report.

For After Hours Concerns, please contact Campus Police at (662) 501-6907.