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Instructional Program Review

Purpose and Goals
The purpose of the instructional program review and assessment is to provide a system for continuous improvement in instructional programs. Review and assessment procedures provide recognition of the accomplishments of an instructional program as well as identify interventions needed for improvement of the program.

  1. To ensure the effectiveness of the College’s instructional programs
  2. To improve the quality of instructional programs
  3. To provide data for such intervention decisions as those regarding staff needs, admissions requirements, and curricular additions or deletions
  4. To provide a system of regular data collection and analysis
  5. To determine how specific instructional programs serve the mission of the College and respond to student and community needs

Program Review Cycle
Each instructional program will be evaluated once in each five year period. Programs are reviewed by major functional areas and/or locations whenever possible. Instructional programs that are offered on multiple campuses, or through distance learning, will be assessed as a single unit.

Criteria for Assessment
The Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness will provide the instructional program coordinator for all instructional programs being reviewed during the current academic year with the following self-study materials:

  1. Program Strategic Plan Outcomes
  2. Program Learning Outcomes
  3. Enrollment
  4. Student Success Rates
  5. Instructor Qualifications

The instructional program coordinator should work with faculty members of program(s) under review to use the provided information to complete an analysis of their program. This analysis must include:

  1. SACS-COC Principles of Compliance Survey
  2. SWOT Analysis
  3. Overall Assessment and Recommendations

The above program analysis, along with the data gathered by the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, as well as the NWCC Bulletin, will be provided to each Instructional Program Review committee member prior to the annual meeting. Both hard copies and electronic copies of all the supporting documents listed above will be maintained by the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness. An annual Instructional Program Review meeting will be held each academic year to provide the review committee an opportunity to discuss the documents, ask questions of the appropriate instructional program coordinators, and make any recommendations for the Instructional Affairs Council for the improvement of the instructional programs. The Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness will produce a Program Assessment Report which includes committee recommendations for program improvement. The Program Assessment Report will be presented to the Vice President over the programs being assessed as well as the Instructional Affairs Council for review.