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Foundation Scholarships

Through the generosity of individuals, corporations, and civic organizations, scholarships are available through the Northwest Mississippi Community College Foundation. There are two types of Foundation scholarships: endowed and annual. In an endowed scholarship, the endowed principal is held in sacred trust in perpetuity (forever) with scholarships being awarded from the interest earned. In an annual scholarship, the funds are contributed to the Northwest Foundation, and those same funds are disbursed in the school year in which they are received.

Students must submit a Foundation Scholarship Application Form, available from the Foundation Office, the Recruiting Office or online. Each application must be accompanied by a resume and one letter of recommendation. The application must be received by the Foundation Office no later than 5 p.m. on April 1. Unless otherwise noted, only Mississippi residents may receive Foundation scholarships.

The selection is made by the Northwest Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee, which includes members of the Northwest faculty and administration and at least one member of the Northwest Foundation Board of Directors. Scholarship recipients will receive notification by May 15. After notification, the scholarship recipient must meet with the Executive Director for Institutional Advancement prior to registration to complete necessary acceptance forms. For additional information, write the NWCC Foundation Office, NWCC Box 7015, 4975 Highway 51 North, Senatobia, MS, 38668, call (662) 560-1103 or email

Foundation scholarships are awarded according to the criteria designated by those who contributed the funds to establish the scholarships. Additional criteria, in addition to the primary criteria, are listed in parentheses. Students must be full-time students and maintain specified grade point averages, which range from 2.0 to 3.25, according to the criteria of the individual scholarships.

Scholarships by Requirements