Consumer Information
- General Institutional Information
- Educational Programs
- Student Financial Assistance
- Health and Safety
- Student Outcomes
General Institutional Information
The names of associations, agencies, or governmental bodies that accredit, approve, or license Northwest Mississippi Community College and its programs may be found here.
Privacy and Security of Student Records FERPA
Family Education and Privacy Act gives enrolled students the right to review their educational records, request amendment of records, to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information, and to file complaints with the Department of Education. More information may be found here: Privacy and Security.
Facilities and Student Services for Students with Disabilities
Information about facilities and services available to student with disabilities, including students with intellectual disabilities is available through the Disability Support Services Office (DSSO) located in Tate Hall on the Senatobia campus. More information is located here.
Student Diversity
Information about student body diversity at NWCC, including enrollment, gender, average age and student ethnicity is collected by NWCC office of Research and Effectiveness. More information may be accessed here.
Complaint and Grievance Procedures
Information about the complaint and grievance policy can be found here.
Cost of Attendance
Information regarding the cost of attendance at NWCC, including tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, transportation costs, and any additional costs for a program in which the student is enrolled may be accessed here.
Refund and Withdrawal Policies and Procedures/Return of Financial Aid
Information regarding NWCC’s refund policy, requirements and procedures for official withdrawal and requirements for return of Title IV can be found here.
Textbook Information
Students of NWCC may obtain International Standard Book Number (ISBN) here. You will need to fill in the criteria and search. Product information, pricing and the International Standard Book Number will be listed.
Requirements for Officially Withdrawing from NWCC
The requirements for officially withdrawing from the college can be found here.
Northwest Community College Frequently Called Numbers
A list of frequently called numbers on the NWCC campus can be found here.
FFEL/Direct Loan (Student Loan) deferments for Peace Corps or volunteer service
Information for deferment from student loan payments for students who serve in the Peace Corps, Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 or serve for a tax-exempt organization in the field of community service may be obtained from the Department of Education at:, or a paper copy may be obtained from the Financial Aid office located in the Yalobusha building on the Senatobia Campus.
You can view contact information for faculty and staff here.
For campus information click here.
Educational Programs
Academic Programs
Information regarding programs offered at NWCC for prospective students can be accessed electronically through the NWCC website.
- Academic programs
- Adult education
- Career-technical programs
- Short courses
- Testing
- WIN Job centers
- Workforce development
Academic Outcomes
Information regarding graduation rates, general statistics and summary information is collected by the NWCC Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness and may be accessed here.
Gainful Employment Program Disclosures
Prospective students are notified of Gainful Employment (GE) programs that NWCC may have here.
Transfer Credit Policies
Information pertaining to transfer of credits into Northwest Community College can be found here: Transfer Credit Policy. Further information can be found by contacting the NWCC Registrar at 662.562.8279. Transfer-out credits are determined by the articulation agreement between the Mississippi Trustees of the State Institutions of Higher Learning and the Mississippi Community College Board. A copy may be obtained at:
Copyright Infringement Policy
Students who distribute copyright materials, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may be subject to civil and criminal liabilities. Further information can be found here.
Student Financial Assistance
Available Financial Assistance
This information can be found on the website by going through the steps on the financial aid information here: Available Financial Aid.
Another resource for financial aid information is:
Financial Aid Home Page and Contact Information
For prospective students and current students, the Financial Aid Office home page and contact information can be accessed electronically through the NWCC website here.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
Students and prospective students may access Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards policies here.
Net Price Calculator
The Federal government has required that this tool be provided on the college’s website to assist potential students in comparing the cost of going to college or university. Please note this tool gives an estimate only, and your financial aid can only be determined by making an application.
Student Loan Information/Federal Direct Loan Program
Student loan borrowers will be notified by email within 14 days of disbursement of student loan funds to their account. Students can cancel the loan by contacting the NWCC Financial Aid office. Students can check their student loan status and history on their myNWCC accounts. Information on repayment, deferment and forbearance can be found at:
More information about loans can be found at:
Entrance Loan Counseling Information/Requirements
Exit Loan Counseling Information/Requirements
In an effort to reduce college student debt and educate students as to the repayment of their student loans, all students who accepted federal loans must now complete an Exit Counseling session before the end of their final semester. Students who do not complete this process will result in a hold on their Northwest account. The hold restricts the College from releasing your diploma/ certificate, and transcript until the Exit Counseling is complete. For more information visit:
NSLDS Student Access
Exit loan counseling is a mandatory requirement for any student borrower that graduates, goes below half-time enrollment, takes a leave of absence or withdraws from the college. Exit loan counseling provides important information about repayment, debt management, the Master Promissory Note, the seriousness and importance of the student’s repayment obligation, terms and conditions of loan forgiveness or cancellation, tax benefits and deferment and forbearance options. Students may access the exit loan counseling electronically through the NWCC website. Students may also contact our financial aid office at 662.562.3271 to arrange a meeting with a counselor for additional exit counseling. Link:
Institutional Code of Conduct for Education Loans
Northwest Mississippi Community College Financial Aid Office has adopted and published the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators Code of Conduct and Statement of Ethical Principles. Financial aid administrators are required to exemplify the highest level of ethical behavior and demonstrate the highest level of professionalism. Students and employees may access electronically this information on the NWCC website here.
Student Loan Information Published by the Department of Education
The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEA) is federal law that governs the administration of federal student aid programs. More information regarding HEA can be found here:
Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations
A federal or state drug conviction can disqualify you for Title IV Federal Student Aid funds. Click here for information on Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations.
Health and Safety
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program and the Drug-Free work place policy
Drug-free School Policy can be found here.
Vaccination Policy
NWCC does not have a vaccination policy for all students. However, students admitted to a NWCC healthcare professional program require certain vaccinations, in addition to other admission requirements specific to each healthcare program. Program specific requirements can be found on the NWCC website.
Clery Act and Campus Security
Signed into law in 1990, the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose information about campus crime activity. To view this information click here.
Safety and Security on Campus
Procedures for Campus Security warnings, Emergency Information Alerts and announcements can be found here: Annual Security Report. Statistics for the past three years for occurrences on or near campus for various crimes, including crimes of prejudice (hate crimes) and liquor, drug and illegal weapon violations, institution crime reporting and response policies, campus security and access, campus law enforcement policy and personnel, crime prevention, crime monitoring and crime preventative programs available for students (the law enforcement authority of campus police has a working relationship with state and local law enforcement agencies including agreements and crime reporting encouragement policies) may be obtained from the Campus Police office on the Senatobia Campus.
Security Log
A current security log can be accessed at the Campus Police Office on the Senatobia campus.
Fire Safety Report, Policies, and Procedures
Fire safety practices and standards of the college may be found in the Student Guide and Annual Security Report. The student guide can be found on the NWCC website. The fire safety statistics report can also be found in the student guide. The fire log can be viewed upon request in the campus police office on the Senatobia campus. The fire safety report can be found here: Annual Fire Safety Report.
Emergency Information
NWCC policy and procedures for students and employees regarding an emergency and emergency information may be accessed electronically here: Emergency Procedures.
Evacuation Policy and Procedures
The evacuation policy and procedures can be found here: Campus Evacuation.
Missing Person Policy
The missing person policy can be found here: Missing Persons Policy.
Student Outcomes
General Statistics and Graduation Rates
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System IPEDS
IPEDS is an integrated Postsecondary Education System. It is a system of interrelated surveys conducted annually by the U.S. Department’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Northwest Mississippi Community College Office of Research and Effectiveness reports the data once a year as required by the Department of Education.
Completion, graduation, transfer-out, and retention rates, can all be found on the IPEDS website here:
National Center for Education Statistics NCES
Information on U.S. colleges, universities, and technical and vocational institutions can be found here:
Equity in Athletics Data (EADA)
Number of male and female undergraduate athletes, team sports of participation, information regarding number of participants, expenses, head and assistant coaches and financial information including revenues and expenses of various team sports, scholarships, recruiting expenses and coaches’ salaries. This information may be obtained from the Athletic Director located in the Howard Coliseum, from the Business Office on the Senatobia Campus, or at: Graduation and completion rates of student athletes can be obtained by contacting the Athletic Director on the Senatobia Campus. For more information on our Athletics Data click here.
Career Tech courses and the RN Nursing may have state licensing requirements. A license in Mississippi may be valid in another state - here is a list of courses and State Licence Validation.
Voter Registration
Information and an online application can be found at:
Paper copies of all information are available upon request in the Financial Aid office on the Senatobia Campus. More information can also be found in the Bulletin or in the Policy Manual.
Northwest Mississippi Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, or status as a veteran or disabled veteran in all its programs and activities. Northwest Mississippi Community College prohibits sexual harassment and all forms of sexual violence, regardless of sex, gender identity or sexual orientation. The following have been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990/Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Disability Support Services Coordinator, Tate Hall, P.O. Box 7046, 4975 Highway 51 North, Senatobia, MS 38668, telephone number (662) 562-3309, e-mail address; Title II of the Age Discrimination Act: Vice President for Finance and Administration, James P. McCormick Administration Building, P.O. Box 7017, 4975 Highway 51 North, Senatobia, MS 38668, telephone number (662) 562-3207, e-mail address; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972/Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: (For student-related matters) Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management, Tate Hall, P.O. Box 7010, 4975 Highway 51 North, Senatobia, MS 38668, telephone number (662) 562-3409, e-mail address trush@northwestms.eduor (for employment-related matters) Director of Human Resources, James P. McCormick Administration Building, P.O. Box 7038, 4975 Highway 51 North, Senatobia, MS 38668, telephone number (662) 560-5216, email